Three Versions of a Jesuit Elephant Deep in Thought and Productivity.
Three Versions of a Jesuit Elephant Deep in Thought and Productivity.


Three Versions of a Jesuit Elephant Deep in Thought and Productivity.
© 2015 By Duane Kirby Jensen,
17.5 x 24.5, ink and pen on watercolor paper

NOTE: Originally, I was approached about doing a book cover for a poet.
The subject, to be rendered as a black and white line drawing, would feature a monkish elephant.

I wanted to give the poet three options to see if I was going in the desired direction he envisioned. The poet liked my elephant but chose to go in direction. (The poet loved all three but chose a painting by a family member.)

At this point I decided to bring color to my creation. I also came to like three versions presented together with notes and titles. I had had some thought that each of the three might become a solo work cut away and framed separately.

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