Cast away into an unbalanced universe whose fabric is always in some stage of ripping, The Forgotten Gods plot .....
Cast away into an unbalanced universe whose fabric is always in some stage of ripping, The Forgotten Gods plot .....


Cast away into an unbalanced universe whose fabric is always in some stage of ripping, 
© 2014 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 
38 3/4 x 73, mixed media on watercolor paper
(made up of six (6) 19 1/2 x 24 sheets of watercolor paper)

NOTE: Extended title:
The Forgotten Gods plot their return to the universe of man. But while they await their monument, they build an anti-monument of those who they blame for Their Fall from on high into their current existence of Anonymity and Myth. To makes matter worse, they constantly hear the whining meow of Schrödinger’s cat, but have been unable to locate him to tear out its vocal cords or have him for dinner - the debate on the cats' demises continues.

PreviousAfter belief is gone and the worshipers have locked away their gods, the once reverent can destroy the totems that held them....Schrödinger continues to look for his cat.Next


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