She had read of others transported to far off worlds, so she knew was not alone in her struggle to feel 'home.' Her struggle ...
She had read of others transported to far off worlds, so she knew was not alone in her struggle to feel 'home.' Her struggle ...


She had read of others transported to far off worlds, so she knew was not alone in her struggle to feel 'home.' Her struggle was quest to find quiet within her room. Three years on a planet inhabited by six foot marmots who whistled and. Chirped incessantly had frayed her nerves.
Sometimes she wishes they had been carnivorous.
© 2019 By Duane Kirby Jensen,
9 x 12 watercolor, ink, and graphite on watercolor paper

PreviousUnable to sleep, she continued to be traumatized by her time spent on a planet inhabited only by shrimp.In the land of mischievous goat people, they had survived their humiliation.  Now returned, they continued their bond of supportNext


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