Ziggy, an African Bullfrog, dreams of going to Oxford...
Ziggy, an African Bullfrog, dreams of going to Oxford...


Ziggy, an African Bullfrog, dreams of going to Okford to become a scholar of Phoenician history. He believes that in another life he was a the captain of  Phoenician trading vessel that sunk in a terrible storm. A death that cursed him to be reincarnated into an aquatic creature for eternity.

© 2018 By Duane Kirby Jensen, 
9 x 12 watercolor, ink and graphite on watercolor paper

PreviousThe sadness of a marionette who has been forgotten on a hook. His memories of performing on the bright stage grow dimmer by theLeonor and Beatriz, two manikins gazing out a plate glass window, watch tourists exploring the streets of Porto....Next


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