She can still bear witness to the depths of their depravity and greed.
She can still bear witness to the depths of their depravity and greed.


She can still bear witness to the depths of their depravity and greed.
© 2013 By Duane Kirby Jensen
11 x 14, Ink and charcoal on birch board.

PreviousStanding at the edge of the world – waiting to be swallowed whole.His deepest scars cannot be seen. Next


3 comments | Post comment

Duane Kirby JensenNichole Lopez - thanks for finding and liking my paintings.
-- Duane Kirby Jensen, 6/27/13

Duane Kirby JensenIt has been busy around here - the type of busy the steals me away from painting - but not today. Today I am painting, as I did last night. So that feels good. We have had some stormy weather here mixed with a very warm June.
-- Duane Kirby Jensen, 6/26/13

Great, Duane. How are you? It's hotter than ****! :)
-- Kate Lamberg, 6/26/13